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Birdfeeders For Backyard Viewing
By Barbara E. Volkov
When we place birdfeeders in our backyard we can enjoy more visits from the birds that habitate our area. If we place a number of different birdfeeders in our yard areas we will see many unusual breeds of birds especially when the weather is a little colder. This is the time of the year when it is a little harder for them to find their own natural food.
Some of the different breeds of bird enjoy the different seeds for nibbling on. Some of the birdfeeders will attract the small birds and others will entice the larger birds; it all depends on the style of feeder and what we put in them. Below you will find a number of birdfeeders and the type of birds that prefer to stop at them.
Tube Birdfeeder
The tube feeder is actually a plastic cylinder that has four or more perches with feeding holes large enough for sunflower seeds. If the feed openings have metal around them those pesty squirrels will not be able to chew through them. This tube birdfeeder is used by smaller birds such as the finch, titmouse, chickadee, and sparrow. The larger breeds have more of a difficult time feeding at these feeders unless there is a tray at the bottom for them to perch. Having the tray at the bottom you may attract some cardinals and other birds of the same size coming for a treat. Peanuts and sunflower seeds are usually the feed used in these birdfeeders.
Hopper Birdfeeder
The hopper feeder is usually a wooden framed box with plexi-glass sides with an area for the larger birds to perch and feed. If this birdfeeder is attached to a pole and has a squirrel baffle the squirrels will not be able to climb it and destroy the wood on the feeder. A good hopper feeder is made of cedar, which means it will not rot, and are attached with rust proof screws. Birds that are attracted to these birdfeeders are grosbeaks, cardinals, and doves. Peanuts, white millet, and sunflower
and safflower seeds are a good mix for this backyard feeder.
Thistle Seed Birdfeeder
The thistle birdfeeder is also a tube style feeder but has very small holes for the Nyjer seed or finch mixture. Nyjer seed is the actual seed used in these feeders and it is sometimes referred to as thistle seed. The birds that enjoy this birdfeeder and its seeds are the smaller birds such as the goldfinch, house finch, and occasionally you will see the chickadee.
Suet Birdfeeder
Suet feeders are small cages constructed of wire with holes that are roughly1/2 inch to 1 inch in diameter. There are several selections of flavored suets to choose and woodpeckers like all of them. Woodpeckers are attracted by suet and also a number of other types of birds.This feed is a wonderful energy source for the insect-eating bird, such as the bluebird, nuthatch, and of course the woodpecker. You may even see the oriole and catbird visiting a suet feeder.There are some flavors of suet that squirrels do not like such as hot pepper flavor; so if you do not want the squirrel but do want a suet birdfeeder try the hot pepper.
Peanut Birdfeeder
A peanut feeder is again a tube style that is surrounded by metal mesh. You can also get this feeder constructed of wood but it has metal reinforced holes for squirrel protection. Peanuts and woodpecker mix can be used in this birdfeeder. This bird dinner table not only attracts the woodpecker but the chickadee, titmouse, nuthatch and the blue-jay.
Backyard birdfeeders are not the only thing that will attract the birds; they also need water, nesting places, cover, and plantings around the feeder. During the cold winter months they will need a place to keep warm and raise the young. Just think how nice it would be to have a different style birdfeeder near every window to your backyard. You can start your backyard birding in the winter from inside your nice warm house.
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